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Historical Month

Black History Month

The story behind Black History Month

As February rolls around each year, so does the celebration of this historical month.
This month-long observance is dedicated to highlighting and honoring the achievements and contributions of African Americans throughout history. It is a time for education, reflection, and celebration in providing an opportunity to recognize the struggles and accomplishments of black people in the United States and around the world. The origins of this historical month can be traced back to 1926 when historian Carter G. Woodson established “Black History Week.”

Historical Officially Announced Black Month

It wasn’t until the 1970s when President Gerald Ford recognized the observance, and it went from African American History Week to Black History Month.
Since then, this specific month has become an important time for communities to come together to learn about and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of African Americans. It is a time to reflect on the challenges faced by African American people throughout history and to recognize the resilience, strength, and perseverance of those who have fought for freedom and equality.
Participate in black history. Educate yourself. Take some time to learn about the history of black Americans. Read books, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts. Attend virtual events. Volunteer with organizations that support black communities.
Support black-owned businesses and organizations. We at AZ Billing, as a Black and Minority Owned Company, are focused on helping and fighting for other organizations like ours to achieve success and be an example for the generations to come.


We can all play a role in recognizing the importance of black history and promoting racial justice and equality. Let’s do that now by knowing our past, in order to better shape our future.